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Posted by on Oct 2, 2014 in Uncategorized |

Toy Drive

poster_from_postermywallWe are excited to announce that we will be hosting our very first toy drive to support our Holiday Extravaganza!  The Holiday Extravaganza is a day of food, fun, and holiday cheer for the children & families of 107th St Elementary, Figueroa St. Elementary, Gompers Middle School, and Boys & Girls Clubs.  The students and their families will be invited to come to Bateman Hall select a brand new toy, take a picture with Santa and have a nice meal to eat.  During the event students will have the opportunity to win a bike or gaming device.  This event is not open to the public and is by invite only.

We are in need of TOYS!!  We are seeking toys for girls and boys ages 5-13yrs.  Dolls, trucks, barbies, games,cars; we need it all!  If you would like to donate toys please send us an email at  If you would like to donate money for us to buy toys please go to our home page and hit the DONATE button and it will take you to paypal to securely donate to us.

We are also in need of big ticket items for our raffle.  We need 8 bikes, paly station, xbox, ipad, scooters, nintendo DS, Ipods.  If youa re able to donate a big ticket item please let us know!

Lastly if you work at an office that would like to do a toy drive for us please send an email and we will get a collection box out to your office ASAP!